Our custom boots and heels can be made in 98 various colours and materials. Choose any combination you like.
You can choose the outside colour, inside colour for the lining. It is also possible to choose different colours for heel and platform cover.
All colours More informationWelcome to the new Sanctum Shoes webshop for cool sexy long leather boots. We offer a collection of the finest fashion, fetish and part boots for women and men. We specialise in Italian custom boots and large sizes up to Italian size 47. For tall girls, men in heels and anyone who loves to wear boots with high heels.
Our warehouse is based in the Netherlands, Europe (near Amsterdam). We only sell online from stock and we ship worldwide. No hidden customs costs. We are not shipping from China like many cheaper brands that can't return or exchange. Apart from our boots in stock, we have several Italian factories who make "made to measure" leather boots.
Most of our boots are available in sizes 36 up to 47 EU. Our mission is to provide sexy, elegant and beautiful designer boots to everyone. Especially to women and men that have larger feet and who can't wear regular-sized high-heeled boots. Our heels are reinforced to hold larger weight; our lasts are wider for bigger sizes.
We sell boots with high heels only. We love them, we make them, we sell them. This is the right place to find sexy high heels, high heels for that special party, heels for men or high heels to combine with your new latex catsuit or sexy shiny legging. Need advice? Don't hesitate to contact us: [email protected].
Read more about our company and the team on our about us page. Do you have a physical party clothing or accessories shop?